Super 21 Blackjack

Super 21 Blackjack is widely known variation of blackjack. This game is quite fun and exciting. By the way this game is also known as Super Fun 21 Blackjack.
The game differs a bit from Classic blackjack. At the same time most rules of Classic blackjack are used. As in regular blackjack player receives two cards face up. The dealer is also dealt two cards and one of them is face down and another is face up. However it looks like Classic blackjack there are several exceptions and additions to the rules you should know about. It is interesting that Super 21 Blackjack is played with just 1 card deck. Thus card counting is extremely important in this game.
In Super 21 Blackjack the dealer must stand on hard 17 and higher. If the dealer has got soft 17 or less he must hit. In this game it is also possible to split cards up to 4 times. It is also possible to split Aces. Another important think about the rules that player can double his bet.
At the same time we have to disappoint blackjack fans. In this game you should not expect special payout rate for blackjack; it will be just 1:1. However if the player has got blackjack of diamonds he will be paid 2:1 winning. Another specification of this game is that player can surrender. There is the addition – late surrender. Surrender. Player can surrender anytime during his turn. Probably surrender is the good decision if player has got 15-17 points and the dealer has got Ace face up.
Unlike in Classic Blackjack in Super 21 the player is allowed to double his bet regardless of quantity of his cards. For example, if the player has got 3-2 plus he took two extra cards and every time was receiving 3, he can double his bet on the fourth card (he will have 11 points at this moment). Just don’t forget that after doubling you will be given just 1 more card. If extra card doesn’t complete your hand you can choose double down rescue. It means that you are refusing half of your bet.
It should be also mentioned that surrender is available in Super 21 Blackjack. You can surrender at any point of the game before busting. In this case the wager will be halved between the player and the house.
Another important difference between Classic Blackjack and Super 21 Blackjack is the possibility to win having 6 cards. In Super 21 Blackjack the player wins with any total points if he has got 6 cards, for example A-3-2-5-2-A (14 points). At the same time the player automatically wins if he has got 21 points with 5 or more cards. In this case the payout will be 2:1.
You can also find detailed information about payouts above:
- Diamond blackjack (2 cards) – 2:1
- Blackjack (2 cards) – even money
- 21 points from 5 cards – 2:1
- 21 points from 6 cards – 2:1
- 6-cards (instant win) – even money
- Any other winning hand – even money
- Tie – push