Make Big Blackjack Earnings Without Card Counting

Among all of the games inside a casino, blackjack is considered to have one of the best odds. The advantage of the house is about one per cent. But even with such a low number, casinos still continue to earn big from blackjack. The casinos actually get this kind advantage over a player that uses basic strategy. The simple fact though is that a big majority of players actually do not have any kind of working knowledge of basic strategy. This is the real reason why casinos are actually earning a lot of money.But what exactly is the basic strategy? It is simply a basic set of rules that you use for playing the cards that are dealt to you against the dealer’s up card. For people who want to have a basic idea of this strategy, they can get basic strategy tip cards that are available for sale in most casino gift shops. There are also online charts that people can visit and download in order to have a more visual idea of this basic strategy. For most players using the basic strategy is a great way of actually reaping more earnings from playing blackjack. By using basic strategy, the house’s advantage can be significantly reduced. This is also a great foundation by which you can build your skills in blackjack.
Another way of maximizing your earnings is by choosing which blackjack table offers the best odds. A very crucial fact when it comes to card counting and blackjack odds is that higher value cards (the 10s in the deck) help the player’s odds while the lower valued cards hurt the player. The reason for this is simple: the dealer must hit to a 17 or higher. With more higher cards in the deck there is a greater possibility that the dealer will bust more often and thus, the player will win. Because of this you must remember to only play in tables that offer fewer decks. Avoid tables that employ six decks and always play tables that offer one or two decks.
Another good suggestion is by not increasing your bet because you have a gut feel. Only increase your bet in a definite situation that is the most advantageous to you. And there is a way to do this without resorting to card counting. The trick is to monitor cards. If you have noticed that a big majority of cards that have been dealt on the last hand were of low value. Increase your bet on the next hand. This strategy can be most effective in a game with just a single deck or a double deck of cards. Remember though that you will not win every single time so do not go crazy with the bets that you will make. A little prudence is still important. But at the same time, be assured that you will be seeing positive results in the long run (the longer that you play the game in that table).